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6孔共聚焦培养板 单块包装 韩国SPL 货号:30106 现货

更新时间:2013-11-30 点击次数:826次
Confocal Dish (Coverglass-Bottom Dish)
SPL confocal products allow researches to acquire high resolution microscopic images of cells in 35 mm culture dishes or 6 well plates. Low auto-fluorescence glasses were used, ideal for uses of these products are high resolution and inverted microscopy, fluorescence imaging in live cells, confocal microscopy, phase contrast microscopy and micro-manipulations.
Dish size: 35 mm
Hole size: 13 Øor 20 Ø
Plate size: 6 Well plate (Cat.NO. 30106, 30206)
Coverglass size: 24 x 24 mm
Coverglass thickness : 0.13 ~ 0.16 mm
External grip 35 mm dishes are available
Black colored 35mm dishes are also available
Sterilized by gamma irradiation
Polystyrene dish/pla


Cat. No.ColorMaterialDish Style (mm)Internal Dimension (mm)Hole (mm)Growth Area (cm2)Working Volume (ml)External GripSurface TreatmentSterilizationMethodUnits per Sleeve/Case
  100350       Clear  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  13Ø  9.4  3  +  -  +  Adhesion Type  5 / 100
  100351       Clear  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  -  9.4  3  +  -  +  Insert Type  10 / 500
  101350       Clear  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  20Ø  9.4  3  +  -  +  Adhesion Type  5 / 100
  102350       Black  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  13Ø  9.4  3  +  -  +  Adhesion Type  5 /100
  103350       Black  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  20Ø  9.4  3  +  -  +  Adhesion Type  5 / 100
  200350       Clear  PS  35 x 10  34.3 x 9.3  13Ø  9.4  3  +  +  +  Adhesion Type  5 /50
  30106       Clear  PS  85.4 x 127.6  35  13Ø  9.6  3   -  +  Adhesion Type  1 / 4
  30206       Clear  PS  85.4 x 127.6  35  20Ø  9.6  3   -  +  Adhesion Type  1 / 4 








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